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discern from中文是什么意思

用"discern from"造句"discern from"怎么读"discern from" in a sentence


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  • We could discern from his appearance that he was upset
  • Fireplaces and furniture ? such as cupboards and beds ? could be discerned from their outlines in the earth, parker pearson said
  • The dawn shone full on the front of the man westward, and clare could discern from this that he was tall, and walked as if trained
  • Fourth, the behavior of each component is part of the architecture, insofar as that behavior can be observed or discerned from the point of view of another component
  • While applying the origin-based statistics, it is imperative to be fully aware of the method's limitations and discern from the figures the actual benefits of all trading parties after careful analysis
  • But when the several nations of europe had acquired distinct though rude written languages of their own, sufficient for the purposes of their rising literatures, then first learning revived, and scholars were enabled to discern from that remoteness the treasures of antiquity
  • Telling a joke might seem easy, but it did require some talent, especially when speaking in a foreign language, and it amounted to a test of language ability . whether the speakers knew the trick could be discerned from the stare of those listening was unknown
用"discern from"造句  
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